

It goes without saying, that I have once again been away from this blog for a long time. This armaturing and posing was done a couple of weeks ago, but sheer procrastination has kept me from posting it here. I really must try to post more regularly. Anyway, better late than never, and at least […]

It’s cooler in the shader

It's cooler in the shader

The materials and shader settings are now done, barring any unforseen tweaks and adjustments required as this project progresses. The hair has been made a little translucent, and specularity and translucency are set to vary between the fringes of the object and it’s central surfaces, using a gradient/blend texture to provide the template for the […]

Follicular foible

Follicular foible

With this hair, I thee complete … well, modelling at least. I’m pretty happy with the result. The hair is wild and wanton enough while maintaining the comic stylisation of the character. The very apparent surface polygons I have left in on purpose, because I think it adds a good deal of techiness to the […]

Cover up

Cover up

Hair today? Unfortunately not. I thought it would be much more useful to model the loin cloth first as it gives a better idea of the final look of the character’s body. Now it will be much easier to model the hair to the correct size and proportions to go with the rest of the […]

Your own two feet

Your own two feet

The feet are complete. I’ve tried to keep the mesh as light as possible, but some areas are bound to be heavier simply because there is more form to describe. The feet are on the dense side, but I have tried to compensate by keeping the toes as simple cuboid shapes. Since animated deformation of […]

The techman

The techman

Another project is born, and hopefully this one will be completed :). I had this idea for a character whom I want to use in an animation eventually, but also in some hopefully “great” shots. This sketch was done a few moments after the idea initially struck. It’s a reasonably simplistic character, because I’m ignorant […]