Sometimes You’re the Dog, Sometimes You’re the Stick [Comic]

Sometimes You're the Dog, Sometimes You're the Stick

Comic KongaAfter a forced hiatus — I was out of town for a couple of days — my foray into Comic Konga continues.

Day 2: Sometimes You’re the Dog, Sometimes You’re the Stick, is a further exploration of the character that I came up with for my first try at the event. He seems to be a perfect innocent character that could be used to expose all manners of truth about the human condition, and our reactions to the world. At once an every-man and a marginalised observer, let me see if I can at least pull off the the requisite five Comic Konga pieces with the same protagonist. At the moment that is enough of a challenge. If I can do that greater plans can be considered.

The original pencil sketch was traced with a black finetip pen. The inks were scanned and vectorised in Inkscape before applying the blue tones and text.

This comic could be about dogs and sticks, or it might not be about dogs and sticks. That interpretation lies in the eyes of the beholder. I just know that it was fun image to draw and I always enjoy playing with the meanings of popular idioms.



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