Mental note 001

Mental note 001

I submitted an image for last weeks Weekend Challenge over at Elysiun. I was thinking of putting it up on this blog when I realised that I have not recorded my previous two etries into the WC either. So here, for my own reference more than anything else, is a list of my last three […]

Header up

Header up

I have used Blender for professional work before, so I though it was only right to use Blender when illegal_ops put out an open call for a logo for a new Blender community site, The logo is now up on the site as the header/masthead. It’s a new site built to provide many Blenderheads […]



It goes without saying, that I have once again been away from this blog for a long time. This armaturing and posing was done a couple of weeks ago, but sheer procrastination has kept me from posting it here. I really must try to post more regularly. Anyway, better late than never, and at least […]