A web site is never done. While this blog and site have been up for almost 3 months now, there are still plenty of improvements and tweaks to be made to the functionality of the site, and I’ve just done some of the ones on my list.
The most important one is the full monty referred to in the title. I have always planned to make the feed for this site a full text feed. While I have never really gotten into the the habit of using a feed reader regularly, I know that is the way many prefer to do their blog reading. I would like to make sure they get the best and most click-free experience possible, so the Samir Bharadwaj dot Com blog now has a full RSS feed that you can subscribe to. This way you can keep track of the goings-on here, and also read the full text of articles from the comfort of your favourite feed reader. In keeping with this new development, I also added some chicklets on the top of the righ side bar that will make adding this site to various popular feed readers a snap. Also there a new fancy feed icon announcing the fact that this is a full feed. Marvel at the flashiness!
The other change which has been in the works for a while is the change in the Fresh Finds feature on this site. That is where I post any interesting links I come across during my sojurns online. The latest fresh finds used to be listed in the sidebar, but after plenty of template hacking, they are now integrated into the main blog listing. I think this avoids repetition and puts the links into the context of the date when they were added, which is better to keep track of.
Enjoy the new changes and don’t forget to subcribe to the new full feed to get your reading home delivered.