Ballpoint Pen Drawings for Memory

Ballpoint Pen Drawings for Memory

I first put up some ballpoint pen drawings on this site back in 2009, a whole two years after I started the site at this domain, but I had dabbled with sketching in pen before. I had forgotten how seriously I’d tried my hand at it until a few days ago, when I was flipping […]

Easy Christmas Paper Crafts

Easy Christmas Paper Crafts

I have always been into paper crafts. I have no memory of when the interest was sparked, though my Dad showing me how to make an origami crane was likely one of the stepping stones on that path. While other little kids might have indulged in paper crafts because they were asked to, and because […]

Pen Drawings For Sanity

Pen Drawings For Sanity

I started drawing more sketches very soon after my last session of pen drawings, within a few days in fact. I was in the mood. But after having looked at my last drawings, which were done with a fair amount of abandon, I started to think too much. The first drawing that followed (above) was […]

Pen Drawings As Warm Up

Pen Drawings As Warm Up

I haven’t drawn in ages. Let me clarify. It’s not like I haven’t drawn anything recently, I draw doodles and thumbnails of things all the time. I’m a designer and a lot of my ideas come out in tiny visual sketches. But those are all documentary and explanatory drawings. I haven’t sat down and sketched […]