How to Fix an Overexposed Photo

How to Fix an Overexposed Photo

My ever-restless and creative friend Reena was recently talking to me about a series of photographs she’d taken over her last trip to a national park in her neck of the woods. They were just not turning out as dramatic and eerie as she wanted them to. This, of course, set my photographer-sense tingling and […]

Women With Bad Cameras

Women With Bad Cameras

After my little experiment to show that good cameras are not essential to taking good pictures, I still felt the point could be made clearer with more real-world examples. If I could show good photos taken by other people with less than stellar cameras that would be a big step in the right direction. It […]

Taking Good Pictures Isn’t About The Camera

Taking Good Pictures Isn't About The Camera

If you have a serious interest in photography, in a professional capacity or as an enthusiastic amateur, you’re sure to have been greeted with this line at some point: Great Pictures! Which Camera did you use? On your less understanding days, there can’t be a more irritating thing to be asked, because the person asking […]