Size Does Matter in Creative Thinking

Size Does Matter in Creative Thinking

Creativity is a balancing act, but it is also a show of strength, so size matters. This balance, this contest of strengths requires an opposite, a counterpoint, and that counterpoint can be found in fear. It goes by other names as well, some choose to call it resistance, or procrastination, and sometimes writer’s block, but […]

Graveyard of Abandoned Plans

Graveyard of Abandoned Plans

As human beings, we remember a surprising amount about the lives we have lived. As human beings we also have an astonishing ability to forget. We forget all manner of facts and events, happy ones, painful ones, and many which never make enough of an impression to stick. And then there are things we forget […]

Assuming For Everyone

Assuming For Everyone

As human beings we assume many things, but there are a few basic assumptions we make about that collective everyone, which are always contradictory. These assumptions have to do with what we have to offer to the world, and what we accept from the world in return. 1. I am different from everyone We like […]

The Cost of Perfect Memory

The Cost of Perfect Memory

As animals go, human beings are not particularly unique. There are other creatures with considerable brain power, there are others that have a fair amount of dexterity, and there are many others that surpass us on every level of physical strength and prowess. One thing that does make us different from the rest, is our […]

Durian Dreams and Dust Baths

Durian Dreams and Dust Baths

The Durian is hard thorny fruit on the surface with a soft flesh inside. It is purported to taste divine and smell foul, and it gets its name from duri in Malay, which means thorns. A very conflicted fruit for sure. A dust bath is exactly what it sounds like. Birds often push dirt into […]