Are You an Ostrich or a Swan?

Are You an Ostrich or a Swan?

Like all boring, old-school, heterosexual-coupling-based family units, I have the expected two sides of my extended tribe. I have my mother’s and my father’s sides of the family, who I have grown up observing, engaging, absorbing, cringing at, appreciating, being horrified by and loving throughout my life. Most family issues, or even harmless ticks, come […]

The Mythical 2-3 Exemplary People

The Mythical 2-3 Exemplary People

What is it about 2-to-3 people? I wrote a while ago about the precious people in my life who meet me half way. When I looked closer at it, I realised that I knew only 2-3 such dear specimens. At various points I’ve also written about the clients I’ve worked with. In the technical and […]